Internal Organizational
Competency Development
Competency-based Development that Covers the enhancement of knowledge, expertise and technology for a high-performing workforce that is efficient and effective to meet the current demands of the consumer & industry.
Establishment of Halal
Industry Development System
We consult organizations globally, who are intended to be certificated bodies. Besides that, we share business data for the purpose of enhancing business contact among local & international industry players.
Research & Development
and Halal Lab Setting up
Commercialization of Research & Development labs and creating opportunities for the young start-ups business of the industry who have good intention to promote halal products that can benefit consumers.
Singapore MUIS Halal Standard & Certification
UNWHD team of consultants are tasked to help and assist local businesses in Singapore to obtain the Singapore MUIS Halal Certification (SMHC) based on HalMQ. The facilitation program is designed and developed inclusive of HalMQ documentation templates, its work processes, related documentation that are necessary and operations so that it will conform to HalMQ and subsequently attain the SMHC. The project scope shall encompass the following phases;